Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Introducing SwapZilla, a project that can bring together all exchanges, all tokens, all news streams, and all tools. The platform is suitable for all players in the market: an exchange crypto, trader, news channel, or company that develops trading algorithms. SwapZilla will give them all opportunities to effectively interact and exchange information and data. Swapzilla's goal is to become a unique infrastructure solution, creating value for each of its clients and partners. SwapZilla will provide users with comprehensive services and the most advanced trading tools. By offering a modern high-tech trading platform, where users will get instant access to information, news and analytic data, hundreds of crypto currency exchanges, and a wide variety of trading tools. By providing the opportunity to configure your own personal account and connect or deactivate various additional tools and modules It is important to create an infrastructure solution that will provide value not only to users, but also to our partners. SwapZilla will be free for all B2B players on the Internet cryptocurrency market, and in return they will get an instant increase in their client base.

SwapZilla will provide users with comprehensive services that will make trading simple and convenient. There are a large number of potential investors who don't have the opportunity to spend a lot of time managing their portfolios. In this project clients will offer such services that will enable them to receive passive income with little effort. A deep understanding of the needs of all types of customers will enable us to develop the most comprehensive and effective trading tools. Unique conditions and various functions will cause some increase in the number of users of our services. The SwapZilla platform will be very valuable for exchanges and other B2B players will provide them with new customer inflows and increased transaction volumes. At present, to attract new users, crypto exchanges must have a large advertising and marketing budget; our platform will change it forever. Customers who come to our trading platform will make transactions on all exchanges that are connected with SwapZilla.

SwapZilla will independently monitor the reputation of users and interact with banks and regulatory organizations. A multi-hour multilingual technical support center will also be created, which will give us the opportunity to solve all problems and problems that arise without involving crypto exchange employees. The SwapZilla trading platform is a flexible, modular system that can be customized for each individual user. At present it is developing solutions for various types of investors, focusing on a comfortable, easy-to-customize interface. The user will independently select and connect all necessary system elements: modules, screens and tools. Our system will consist of three key cores: trade, information and analytics, and passive trading. Each core contains a set of plugins and screens. SwapZilla will get a commission from transactions through the platform. Platform users will have to pay a commission much lower than the market average - 0.1%, of which between 0.02% and 0.05% will be transferred to the partner crypto exchange and the rest will be deposited by SwapZilla.

Traders will be able to make orders for the required size of leverage, and owners of coins and tokens will lend their assets to them. SwapZilla will provide all parties with all necessary infrastructure and integrated risk management systems for borrowers. We will charge a commission of 15% on loan interest. In order for SwapZilla token owners to receive a steady stream of income, 30% of the company's revenue will be sent to dividend tokens, regardless of the costs incurred by SwapZilla. Dividend distribution will be automated using smart contracts, which ensure timely payment to SWZL13 token holders. The SwapZilla trading platform will be able to process more than 2 million orders per second. This will be integrated into an environment that can be scaled with middleware for processing large data to overcome all peak loads. Most of the computing will be done by cloud services.

SwapZilla a project that can bring together all exchanges, all tokens, all news streams, and all tools. The platform is suitable for all players in the market: an exchange crypto, trader, news channel, or company that develops trading algorithms. SwapZilla will provide users with comprehensive services and the most advanced trading tools. By offering a modern high-tech trading platform, where users will get instant access to information, news and analytic data, hundreds of crypto currency exchanges, and a wide variety of trading tools. SwapZilla will independently monitor the reputation of users and interact with banks and regulatory organizations. A multi-hour multilingual technical support center will also be created, which will give us the opportunity to solve all problems and problems that arise without involving crypto exchange employees. Traders will be able to make orders for the required size of leverage, and owners of coins and tokens will lend their assets to them. SwapZilla will provide all parties with all necessary infrastructure and integrated risk management systems for borrowers.

My ETH Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d
Telegram Username : @robiawal

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