The discovery and sharing of content are intrinsic to the human experience and have been a central part of the internet since it began. As the internet matured that process became centralized under powerful social media platforms. While users are increasingly concerned about privacy and how information about them and their behaviors are collected, analyzed and sold, the digital monopolies have exploited user contributions and their data to generate billions of dollars of profit. The same forces that created the sharing economy will shift this dynamic, creating a new market out of underutilized assets that empower the user and rewards the true value of their contributions. This will be the content sharing economy: the next phase in the evolution of the sharing economy, enabled by blockchain and managed by users on their smartphones
Rally is a platform that builds communities around a business or message using content sharing with crypto token rewards. Rally combines concepts from traditional word-of-mouth and influencer marketing with gamification and tactics that have built cryptocurrencies and their communities.
Word-of-mouth, or direct peer-to-peer communications, is the most trusted way we share information and communicate. The content sharing economy leverages the strength of word-of-mouth to fundamentally shift how power and profits are allocated in the digital advertising ecosystem. Advertisers pay a lot of money to centralized platforms to get their message distributed to their target audience. The individual social network that a user has is an unrecognized and underutilized digital asset that has significant value and will become a distributed profit center in the content sharing economy.
Private content sharing is an untapped opportunity that is growing rapidly and is substantially bigger than social media platforms. This shift toward trusted private channels is a direct consequence of the distrust of large social media platforms. Users share content on both social media platforms and in private communication channels; however, they view these channels differently. Today, where content gets shared matters more than ever. While private content sharing does shift power away from the centralized platforms, it still lacks transparency and an attribution of value. Recognizing and rewarding the value that users are due, and advertisers would gladly give, is the central purpose of the content sharing economy and the Rally platform.
Growing economic inequality and wealth concentration in the 10 years since the global financial crisis has eroded trust in government and society, a dynamic that can also be seen very acutely in the distribution of power and profits in the online advertising ecosystem. As jobs were lost, and wages stagnated, people innovated new ways to create income from underutilized assets and created the sharing economy. Technology, and the trust that it enabled propelled this new economic system. Blockchain and smart contracts will enable further growth of the sharing economy and the emerging content sharing economy by establishing a foundation of trust between users and advertisers. Shifting user behavior, the smartphone, and blockchain enable network effects driving the Rally opportunity that were previously impossible.
The Rally platform rewards users to distribute an advertiser’s content to their individual social network. This allows the advertiser to shift their ad budget to the user who, by sharing the content, gives it their recommendation and increases its effectiveness. Rally unites users with advertisers and utilizes a crypto token to create a marketplace that empowers the user and rewards the true value of their contributions.
Utilizing blockchain will allow Rally to record user contributions to the platform and reward them for actions that drive platform value. To realize the full potential of the content sharing economy, and the requirements of transparency, security, incentives and attribution, the Rally platform is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. Rally has developed an attribution model called SmartLinks, they are immutably tied to smart contracts. SmartLinks establish a smart contract directly between advertisers and users to create a decentralized, secure and transparent marketplace with a record of engagements and incentives written into the blockchain.
The incentive currency of the platform is the Rally Token (RALLY), a universal currency that can be used seamlessly across borders, allowing advertisers to compensate hyper-local influencers, ambassadors, and users anywhere in the world. The value of the Rally community is driven by both the number of users and advertisers on the marketplace as well as how engaged users are in offers. Rally Token will empower users to interact with the Rally platform and build its community while facilitating the distribution and sharing of rewards and benefits to all of its stakeholders. Advertisers use the Rally Token as part of their offers. Once users have earned tokens, the advertiser can offer goods or services to get it back from the user.
Rally will create an open-source ERC20 compliant token with fixed supply. Rally Token is a utility token and ownership of Rally Token does not confer any right or entitlement other than the ability to contribute to the Rally platform.
- Token Name : Rally Token
- Token Symbol : RALLY
- Total Tokens : 5,000,000,000
- Technical Specifications : ERC20
- Token Decimal Places :18
Rally Token will be issued by way of an airdrop as an incentive for users to join, get authenticated, refer new users and engage with offers from advertisers. The functionality of the platform can best be experienced by joining the Rally community and engaging in activities to earn tokens. This webpage is a demonstration of Rally using its own platform to promote Rally and the Rally Token in the same way that any advertiser could.
The Rally platform consists of a marketplace that connects advertisers with users. Advertisers are able to create and send offers to users and engage with them. Rally tracks, attributes and rewards users that take action. Additionally, users are able to opt-in and out of what messages they receive on a secure platform that is designed to ensure privacy. Once the launch phase has reached a critical mass of users and advertisers a market for content sharing will emerge on Rally. Each time an offer is sent, the Rally Token gains utility as it is the internal currency or the Rally marketplace. Rally delivers value to advertisers by providing a flexible solution that engages the friends, fans, followers, customers, employees and other stakeholders around their business to promote their content. Rally was designed for maximum flexibility to support a wide range of advertiser goals.
Rally is differentiated from blockchain based businesses noted below in that it is not focused on one form of advertising (display), one communication platform (social) or one media type (entertainment content or UGC). While there is some overlap with companies in the influencer marketing, referral marketing and employee advocacy areas, each of these focuses on a specific type of user or desired result. Rally is committed to a platform where anyone can take part and is focusing on incentivized peer-to-peer communications wherever they are taking place. These are the forces, trends, proof-points and patterns that give clarity to the path forward for Rally and the content sharing economy.
A few, very large companies effectively control the Internet. Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon intermediate our online purchases and communications, conduct our searches and store data about us. Facebook and Google, in particular, are platforms that collect data about us in exchange for “free” services. In fact, these services are not free at all. While we may not pay these companies directly, we give them our personal data that is vastly more valuable than what we get in return. In our modern information economy whoever collects, stores and shares data about its users has power. This valuable personal data is part of a new asset class that The Economist described as a 21st-century resource on par with oil in the previous century.
Our mobile devices are supercomputers where we control our communications with our social network. Online communications on mobile devices make word-of-mouth easier than ever. The sharing economy is the first new economic system since capitalism and socialism. It is based on trust, transparency, human connection and propelled by technology. The next phase of the internet will be a period where multiple profit centers share value across an open network, shifting power and value away from centralized platforms. This phase is only possible with the emergence of blockchain technology. Online bounty programs began with online gaming platforms that asked their community members to aid in the development of the game in exchange for rewards. These rewards were very often digital assets within the game itself. This concept of incentivizing a community around a desired action has been adopted by the first blockchain application, Bitcoin. It is already the largest decentralized sharing economy in the world, where participants exchange computing power for the value of mined tokens. To receive tokens without purchasing them a user has three options: 1) support the blockchain application by way of mining, which carries significant hardware and electrical costs, 2) improve the security and function of the application through a bug bounty program, which requires significant technical expertise; or, 3) promote the digital currency prior the ICO, which requires getting involved at the right time. For digital currency applications that have raised funds through an initial coin offering (ICO), bounty programs expanded to include incentives for building a community and marketing the ICO itself. These programs incentivized individuals to promote the ICO by word-of-mouth through their social networks and in forums. The practice of getting free tokens for promotional activities has had widespread appeal to a lot of members of the crypto community. However, once the bounty program window is closed, people with significant promotional and community building capabilities have no ongoing way to contribute and be rewarded.
For Information detail visit link in below :
Website : https://www.rallyairdrop.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rallyapps
Twitter : https://twitter.com/rallyapp_com
Medium : https://medium.com/@rallyapp
Telegram : https://t.me/rallyairdrop
My link Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1305012
My ETH Adress : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d
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