Thursday, January 23, 2020

What are the advantages of tachyon for your security and privacy

Hello, this time I will share information about a project focused on TCP / IP-based internet communication that is safe and convenient for you. As we know the increasing demand of contemporary users for stability, security, speed and trust has lagged far behind, plus the lack of trust and security that exists in internet privacy, along with an aging infrastructure that can lead to hampering the internet in providing the speed and reliability needed by based Today's network, Web 3.0 services such as DeFi and other complex applications. Here I will introduce the tachyon Protocol project which will reconstruct TCP / IP network protocol stacks using P2P technology that has been proven and accepted as DHT and PPPoIP, self-developed technologies such as UDP and real-time optimal routing, combining end-to-end encryption, hiding traffic, multi-path concurrent routing, and multi-relay forwarding schemes to achieve high security, dependability, availability, and maximum network speed. Tachyon Protocol uses an existing and widely accepted platform, while eliminating the idea of ​​a centralized server, where proxy, VPN, cloud storage, CDN, DeFi or other services that require a solid and secure platform can build their business. Tachyon Network is built on blockchain V SYSTEMS with existing and tested uses.

Tachyon Protocol is a decentralized network stack that combines decentralization and encryption techniques; it was designed to reconstruct the TCP / IP stack by means of a decentralized structure, end-to-end encryption, traffic concealment, multi-route routes, and multi-relay schemes. By using TBU (Tachyon Booster UDP) as a lower layer transport protocol that uses DHT, blockchain, and UDP techniques to reconstruct the TCP / IP protocol. Tachyon also has a Security Protocol with a security component of the Tachyon Protocol that presents asymmetric encryption schemes and end-to-end protocol simulations that are used to prevent sniffing of networks and man-in-the-middle attacks and prevent attacks, avoid firewalls and filter. Tachyon Protocol uses Tachyon Anti-analysis to decipher and pass information. decentralized networks that have, to some extent, increased the risk of single node capture attacks. At present, most blockchain projects use TCP / IP-based networks for broadcasting data, from here Tachyon Protocol tries to offer an alternative to TCP / IP protocol by providing a standard blockchain network SDK that can be easily integrated with its technology stack and its nodes can implement proxies automatic and port switching of the transport layer network protocol, and data transmission between nodes can be transmitted through the Tachyon Protocol. With absolute security and privacy features, faster speeds, no blocks and lower costs, Tachyon Protocol will benefit DApp based on blockchain, such as privacy protection, data storage, CDN, DeFi, instant messaging, edge computing, gaming.

Tachyon Protocol is an open P2P network, where nodes provide services and form a market where the main roles are client nodes, provider nodes, and business clients using traded commodities. Some of the risks and potential attacks on the market that we need to check are risks of service quality, Risk of fraudulent trading volumes, Sybil attacks, and attackers creating various false identities in networks and P2P usage. We need to resolve these risks and attacks by using the contribution node together with authentication, session target selection, price mechanism design, payment channel design and uplink session notes. To provide a smooth user experience, the Tachyon Protocol does not have stringent requirements for client nodes by ensuring the integrity and operation of the service, the node provider requests to ascertain a certain number of IPX tokens as Security money. Minimum amount of deposit Calculated for a period of 7 days. Each provider node must be associated with the main net to receive a unique Tachyon ID and be a trusted round, which is carried out to prevent a Sybil attack. Tachyon Protocol is an open P2P network, a place to provide mutual services and form markets. Session Costs submitted by simple supply and demand law. We imagine the Tachyon Protocol to be a large and open bazaar with many complete nodes and lots of economic activity.

Sessions are a core concept in the Tachyon Protocol. In the session, the client node forms a transaction with the provider loop through the Payment Channel, and the client loop uses traffic from the provider switch and payment for it. The advantage of asking for this is that we can avoid service quality problems by using bytes as a measurement equivalent to bps. Frequent confirmation and approval of information is the key to avoiding payment between two parties. Solutions that can achieve high frequencies of Trade between A and B without a third party, and can reduce handling costs in the process session, without writing a large number of transactions to the host chain. For customer A and supplier B, do not provide any financial money. Considering the two parties acting in their best interests, the decision will not be made. Cheating threshold, No need for third party arbitration. In order for the arbitration commission to work properly, it will require network surveillance, which refuses with our privacy and trust-free supervision, and can also support security.

Tachyon Protocol has several superior products to support the performance of this project such as Decentralized VPN to Unblock the New Democracy Internet, Privacy, Security and High Speed. Combined with the advantages of blockchain and Tachyon Protocol in terms of security and privacy, Tachyon VPN has no centralized node, giving users control over their own privacy and data, which is better than centralized VPN. Tachyon Network also has a network of thousands of decentralized provider nodes using the Tachyon Protocol. The node provider provides traffic for users such as VPN users to get prizes based on their contributions because this project based on the blockchain automatically has a token named IPX. Tokens provide an easy and affordable way to share the backup bandwidth of a node, with the aim of strengthening sustainability and growth in the network with swallow.

As a content distribution network, CDN networks have advantages in the number and distribution of edge nodes and the speed of network synchronization. The decentralized Tachyon network distributes tens of millions of nodes throughout the world so that the number and reach exceeds the centralized CDN service. The Tachyon protocol can add an additional layer of protection by encrypting content in storage and during transmission, as well as accelerating transmission efficiency. By using blockchain technology and smart contracts to form machine-based trust & algorithms to replace human agents and third party agents with the aim of providing a transparent, efficient and inexpensive financial system. As an important part of the new generation of information technology, IoT has been widely used in various industries, such as smart homes, vehicle internet, manufacturing industries, environmental monitoring, environmental sensors, etc. An important and ubiquitous function of DNS is its central role in distributed Internet services such as cloud services and content delivery networks. He can actively promote or almost completely block any website.

Tachyon Protocol is a decentralized network stack that combines decentralization and encryption techniques; it was designed to reconstruct the TCP / IP stack by means of a decentralized structure, end-to-end encryption, traffic concealment, multi-route routes, and multi-relay schemes. Tachyon Protocol is an open P2P network, where nodes provide services and form a market where the main roles are client nodes, provider nodes, and business clients using traded commodities. With superior products they have, this project certainly has its own advantages in providing services that can provide convenience for its users. In my opinion Tachyon Protocol is a project that provides the latest breakthroughs in providing satisfaction to its customers in order to communicate comfortably and safely with the internet.

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