Most people have heard of Bitcoin, the underlying cryptocurrency and its potential. But they have also read about the risks and daily volatile movements. There is always a certain level of risk involved with investing, but our token is at the more stable end of the crypto spectrum. With our token, you don’t need to worry about market volatility as its ROI is calculated on a year average bitcoin price and you’re investing in our mining operation.
Our mining operation has tangible assets. This protects you from exposure to huge crypto valuation swings, meaning you can potentially earn a strong passive income with little to no knowledge about the complex underlying technology. With our tokens, you are entitled to a monthly output in crypto from our Bitcoin mining operation. Our token gives you access to our mining service and, in turn, grants you the rights to a percentage of our total mined bitcoins (“gross mining revenue”) each month. As long as you are the owner of the tokens, our smart contract will transfer a portion of the gross mining revenue in Ether to your wallet each month. Our calculations are based on a realistic annual average BTC price of USD 10,000. If we base our calculations on this rate, our token holders can expect a 137% return on their investment – even if the average price is USD 5,000 over a year. Once the crowd sale is completed, we will begin to examine our possibilities for a future exchange listing. When listed on an exchange, our token could be sold at any given time. Our investment fund has two objectives: to increase both value and output per token.
Our product is based on honesty, sustainability and realistic revenue projections. Our team’s daily focus is on simplifying, and introducing more people to, the brilliant world of blockchain technology and on offering a way to create a passive income. Every team member has a no-nonsense personality and communicates in the typically Dutch way. Securix.io partners with leaders of industry. Each has their own unique specialisations, but all are selected in accordance with our core values. The most important values for us are honesty, transparency and durability.
Dubai, a global hub for trade economics and innovation, is looking to incorporate blockchain technologies into the daily economy. The country is a firm believer in the blockchain technologies. Smart contracts are playing a major role at the NBD bank, replacing the paper contract. y. For that reason, on this page, you will find our company structure. Our office is located in a tax-free zone in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The crowd sale and the token and smart contract generation with all its legal and marketing activities are being held under the jurisdiction of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and managed by Securix FZ LLC in Dubai. Our mining operation is located in the Netherlands and is hosted/operated by Fintech Capital B.V. Fintech Capital B.V. is responsible for the mining operation, and Securix FZ LLC is 100% owner of Fintech Capital B.V.
Due to the presence of the Amsterdam Internet Exchange, the Netherlands has become one of the world’s most significant Internet hubs. The Dutch IT sector is working on a business and investment climate that enables companies to continue building on the digital infrastructure of the future. The Netherlands is well known for its consensus model in both politics and economics.
In a traditional environment, trusted third parties act as intermediaries for financial transactions. If you have ever sent money overseas, it will pass through an intermediary (usually a bank). This process can take up to 3 days, and the intermediary will take a commission. The original blockchain is open-source technology which offers an alternative to the traditional intermediary for transfers of the crypto-currency Bitcoin. Miners receive a Bitcoin reward based upon the computational time it takes to work out a) whether the transaction is valid, and b) what the correct mathematical key is to link to the block of transactions into the correct place in the open ledger. As transactions are executed, more and more Bitcoins flow into the virtual money supply.
Why Do I Need to Know about blockchain, Because Financial institutions specifically are under tremendous pressure to demonstrate regulatory compliance and many are now moving ahead with blockchain implementations. Secure solutions such as blockchain can be a crucial building block to reduce compliance costs. The technology can be applied to any multi-step transaction in which traceability and visibility is required. A supply chain is a notable use case where blockchain can be leveraged to manage and sign contracts and audit product provenance. will come from the convergence of public and private blockchains to an ecosystem where firms, customers and suppliers can collaborate in a secure, auditable and virtual way.
A token crowd sale – a standard way of starting a project in the cryptocurrency world – will be used to generate the seed funding needed to support our project goals. Estimates from Baker & McKenzie law firm in London suggest, however, that approximately 80% of all ICOs were fraudulent. Against this backdrop, legislative watchdogs delivered legal half-measures, resulting in haphazard rules. 2018 should be the year when cryptocurrencies with identifiable tangible assets are in vogue. According to Coinschedule, the amount raised in 2018 is already more than USD 12 billion. That is almost 309% of the total raised in all of 2017. However, ICObench reports that more than 180 new ICOs are already scheduled for launch this year, many of which are dipped in fiction. Crowd sales are becoming an increasingly popular method of crowdfunding. This type of sale is used by start-ups that wish to develop a product or service. A crowd sale allows everyone to get an opportunity to participate and benefit from our token. Our vision is to make the blockchain technology more accessible and available to a broader public.
An ERC-20 token contract is defined by the contract’s address and the total supply of tokens available to it, but has some optional items that are usually also provided to provide more detail to users. These optional items are the token’s name, its symbol and the number of decimals. The name of the token contract is the long name by which the token contract should be known. Our token contract is called: securix.io. The symbol of the token contract is the symbol by which the token contract should be known. Our contract symbol is: SRXIO. Securix.io provides all token holders with a gross revenue share from the mining operation. This will be automatically transferred to your ERC20 wallet.
The tokens will be issued by means of the ERC20 protocol on the Ethereum network. Ethereum is an open source blockchain that is often used for ICOs. Using this protocol will, among other things, enable our token to be traded on ERC20-compatible crypto exchanges (trading platforms) in future. This makes it very easy to both issue and trade our SRXIO tokens. Our tokens can be stored in an Ethereumcompatible wallet or, as of later this year, in our Mega Vault Wallet app.
A soft cap is the bare minimum amount that Securix needs for the project to proceed. A hard cap is a maximum amount that Securix can accept. Both properties are hardcoded into our smart contract. The token holders are exempt from all entrepreneurial risk. Securix bears these risks. Each month, 10 per cent of our gross revenue is reserved for investment strategy. Our investment strategy has two objectives; to increase token value and to increase output per token.
With a Bitcoin value of USD 10,000 our token holders can potentially expect a 137% return on investment. We are either reinvesting or buying back tokens from the market. Both options will increase token value and monthly output per token. At the beginning of 2017, total market capitalisation was hovering around USD 19 billion. A mere 12 months later, total market capitalisation had spiked to a staggering USD 600 billion. As home and retail miners reach a profitability limit, scalable, professional-grade infrastructure is essential to support blockchain ecosystems. As of July 2018, the collective hash rate is 44,044.01 Ph/s. The bitcoin price is floating around USD 7,500 with 12.5 bitcoins mined every 6.67 minutes. The consolidated monthly revenue for the global bitcoin miners in July 2018.
Our base of operations is a former sugar processing factory more than 146 years old. This location was hand-picked by our management team. The location is exceptionally scalable and boasts the necessary power infrastructure that suits the needs of Securix.io. Cutting-edge mining hardware is at the core of our mining operations. Securix strikes a balance between Power Usage, Unit Price and Performance. We call this the PUP method. It results in higher output and lower costs. Securix ensures that its long-term view is protected by setting aside the first 10 percent gross revenue. Securix continuously monitors the markets and the latest trends and developments in the mining equipment market. The Securix Mega Vault Dashboard application will be available later this year for users to download. This application allows users to store SRXIO tokens on their smartphone safely.
The EAN-to-EAN platform is a decentralised platform with fewer parties involved. Buying straight from the green generator without any intermediaries. We aim for responsibility, sustainability and profitability. Our token gives you access to our mining service and, therefore, rights to a percentage of our total mined bitcoins (gross mining revenue) each month. We are collaborating with cryptocooperative banks and payment providers. We can accept USD and EURO SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) from our investors. According to the FATF, the identification of a “Politically Exposed Person” (PEP) has three classifications. The KYC and AML procedure with the Securix system is very simple. These steps are based on the following, submitted details. The client can only be accepted and enjoy the services provided if the KYC and AML procedures have been completed successfully.
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ETH Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6
ETH Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6
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