Users on most platforms aren’t compensated for their genuine contributions. For example, users provide reviews on Yelp with no real compensation, yet that content is monetized by Yelp everyday. Users provide feedback on hotels and restaurants on Travelocity, yet aren’t paid as contributors even though Travelocity monetizes their contributions daily. In an environment where social media platforms earn billions of dollars in advertising revenue based on monthly active users (MUVs), consumers are not compensated or incentivized for viewing ads or watching commercials. Facebook, for example, earned $40.7 billion in 2017. With Mark Zuckerberg currently under investigation before Congress, and companies like Google collecting more private data each day, users of centralized platforms are growing increasingly weary by the minute. With more than 70 million+ user profiles shared by Facebook with Cambridge Analytica*, the general population is ceasing to accept such actions
With advertising campaign analytics solely owned by the centralized platforms themselves, advertisers must either trust the analytics provided and/or outsource pricey third-party tracking and auditing systems to verify their campaign results. The current review market is highly flawed. Companies such as Yelp ($4 billion valuation) focus solely on reviews (not recommendations) from unverified users. What if you like a pair of shoes from a shoe store, or a specific car that you bought, or a concert you went to? There are no platforms that permit all-encompassing recommendations of things such as people, places, products, services, technology, events and more. And none in the current space address anything considered a ‘non-business’.
Users on Blinked earn Blinked Gold [BGZD] for their contributions and recommendations. The more engagement a recommendation has with other users on the platform (likes, comments, etc.), the more a user may earn for that recommendation. On Blinked, users are paid In Blinked Gold [BGZD] for viewing digital ads in numerous ways. In fact, up to 90 (ninety) percent of all ad revenue on Blinked will be allocated to users for their activity on the platform, with the balance allocated to fund administrative expenses. It’s an ideal 360 degree ecosystem, where both users’ and advertisers’ interests are aligned. Blockchain technology ensures system-wide integrity that centralized social media platforms currently lack. Users are ready for an environment where no single nefarious organization or bad actor within has the ability to profit off of users’ data by selling it to third parties.
Using blockchain, advertisers can reach Blinked users directly, tracking each and every user who has viewed an ad without any expensive and complicated third-party systems. Additionally, since users are rewarded for viewing ads, they will be more likely to engage with them, making advertiser campaigns much more concentrated and effective. If you don’t like something, don’t recommend it. There are no “reviews.” With blockchain technology, not only can you find recommendations from verified users, but there’s full transparency that those users are who they say they are. The Blinked platform offers recommendations from friends, experts, influencers, and favorite, well-known publications that you may choose to follow. Blinked allows users to swiftly recommend an infinite number of items in dozens of categories including, but not limited, to food, dining, travel, entertainment, television, fashion, beauty and more.
The Blinked recommendation platform is currently available in iTunes without a token environment, (with Google Play support coming in 2018). The new BLKD token is currently being integrated into the platform and will work as follows. A Blink is a recommendation made by any user. It can be anything including a person, product, place, event, service, technology or other recommendation. Blinks made by friends appear in the Feed and may be viewed by swiping sideways. Blinks made by all users may be viewed in Discover.
Upon entering the app, users may either login (existing users) or sign up (new users). New members may first enter a mobile number, followed by an option to follow other users (family, friends in their address book, as well as Blinked influencers or Publications). After choosing users to follow, they will be presented with a brief and optional onboarding video explaining the new Blinked platform, BLKD, and their Blinked wallet. After viewing the instructional video, they will have the option to set up their Blinked wallet with a Google authenticator code. Upon setting up a wallet, they will have the option to watch one final brief video with an in-depth explanation about BLKD, as outlined in the “Token Utility” of this white paper. Once users are established within the Blinked app, they may engage.
the Blinked token is for use on the Blinked platform, engineered to serve as the advertising and reward product itself. An advertiser, business or user purchases Blinked token, exchanges it for the performance token, Blinked Gold [BGZD], and uses it to either (a) earn within the platform or (b) offers it to the end-user for engagement with digital advertising content. There is no other purpose of use of the Blinked token. The inherent transparency offered by the blockchain will address many of the concerns individuals have with solutions like Yelp and Facebook. BLKD token and BGZD are paramount for users, businesses and advertisers.
The Blinked (BLKD) token is a utility token, whose value comes from its use within the Blinked network. Blinked (BLKD) token holders include users, advertisers, brands, businesses, and a local decentralized sales team, as well as the independently operated stabilization fund. The stabilization fund is digitally operated algorithmically by the Blinked platform itself to reduce the short-term exchange rate fluctuations of Blinked (BLKD) token to fiat currency and to maintain the purpose of Blinked (BLKD) token as a utility token. The interaction between network users and advertisers may result in “price discovery,” where advertisers have an incentive to make tokens attractive to the Blinked users at the lowest price the users are willing to accept.
Users can exchange BLKD Gold [BGZD] for rewards in the Blinked Arcade. Rewards can include airline tickets, hotel rooms, products, services, dinners and more. The Blinked Arcade is funded by both Blinked and advertising partners. Blinked will prefund user rewards in the Blinked Arcade with funds raised during the ICO until revenue is generated from advertising sales. Although anyone can sell advertising on the decentralized Blinked platform, Blinked, Co. will introduce the first Advertising Sales Admins to the platform who have a history of selling multi-million dollar advertising campaigns (see Team). They will initiate the advertising sales process on Blinked and begin generating revenue. The first Sale Admin we will introduce joins Blinked from Indeed.com and generated approximately $16 million US in advertising revenue during 2017. Users worldwide may claim Local Advertising Sales Administrator (LASA) status by first staking themselves in their city/territory and then by selling local advertisers BLKD token. LASAs shall earn a highly-competitive sliding scale commission on all sales introduced to Blinked.
For Information detail visit link in below :
: http://www.blinked.live/
: https://twitter.com/blinked_app
: https://www.facebook.com/BlinkedApp/
: https://t.me/Blinked_App
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