Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Gambar mungkin berisi: 2 orang, orang tersenyum, orang duduk, teks dan dalam ruangan

Small businesses power the global economy and account for 95% of businesses around the world and in more wealthy 1 countries like the USA and UK, the number of small businesses represent 99.9% of the economy2. But unfortunately, they’re not fulfilling their potential. The world of business has changed dramatically over the past five years. It’s not just through technology or the way we do business: there has been a huge jump in the number of small business start-ups, resulting in even more competition.

Business owners are working harder and longer for smaller returns. For growing businesses, cash flow is also a constant battle. The vast majority of small business owners are not earning the profits that they deserve, and they don’t know how to change that situation. We want to give every small business owner around the world clarity so they can create a better business for themselves, a better life for their family and team, and ultimately contribute towards creating a better worl.

In essence, business owners lack control and understanding of their own business files. But it's much deeper than that! The business is complex and even bigger even because small businesses work world wide in the entire dormitory opened by the net. Running a small business is far more complex than many people understand or value. This requires extensive skills, often beyond the skills that small business owners enthusiastically start. Generally small business owners cannot or do not have the ability to hire the skills needed from the right person at the right time. As a result, they become trapped and frustrated, unable to see clearly. And the downward cycle keeps repeating. There are a number of additional challenges faced by every small business owner around the world. Some people understand the secret of success from the start and develop an extraordinary business. Others have not learned the secrets and continue to look for better ways.


Clarity platform is on every business owner’s device. We believe Clarity will make a difference for small business owners and change the lives of those less fortunate for the better, every time our platform is used. Clarity are building a revolutionary platform for all small businesses that will combine the power of technology and the right advisors to make our vision a reality. One where every business owner has all their data in one place and the control over who has access to it and when. We also want to reward those who choose to share elements of their data. It’s not just about control and storage, it’s also about getting valuable insights into their performance and growth potential, a roadmap to design a growing, sustainable business and access to finance and previously unavailable early-stage investment to help them thrive.

Our aim with Clarity is to help you create a better business, better life, for you, your family and team, and enable you to contribute to a better world. When you read the three stories detailed in this Whitepaper, you may even recognise yourself or someone you know.  Blockchain and cryptocurrency can be confusing and complex to the uninitiated. We want to bring clarity to small business owners, so that they understand and become familiar with the power of using them well. We want all small business owners to harness the power of blockchain for their own business.

You’ll be able to see how you and your firm could get access to an untapped market you’ve not accessed before, because the cost constraints of due diligence has kept your portfolio away from sub £5million businesses. In addition, the time taken to provide lending and funding can be significantly reduced because all the information is already in one place and third party verified, making deals happen faster, potentially leading to better deals, more frequently each year. Lenders will be provided with strong performance metrics identifying businesses they'd be delighted to lend to.

Clarity gives give back control, money and time to small business owners: control over their finances, data and future and control over the money they earn, all the while freeing up time. Business owners with Clarity can use that time to spend where it will truly make a difference; to their business, to their family, to a better life, with ripple effects then fanning out to the community and hence to our world. Clarity is a single platform (powered by blockchain), where business owners can securely store all their financial and business data, such as staff contracts, bank loan agreements, insurance details, health and safety reports and so on. In fact, with Clarity any business document can be stored in a logical wallet system. All those documents can be independently verified on the blockchain, giving the data more reliability and credibility to interested third parties such as banks or investors. Thanks to Clarity, business owners will have complete control over their data and can give access to those they choose, and when. Financial data can be automatically analysed by the platform. Meanwhile key ratios can be mapped and charted, giving the business owner valuable insights and allowing accountants and business mentors to use the analysis to better advise small business owners. The data can also, with agreement, be benchmarked against others in a similar industry, giving the business owner more certainty. The results of business decisions can be analysed quickly and effectively

This worldwide drive to digital records and online accounting solutions, will help small business owners, giving them access to real-time, accurate financial data. However, as we know, most small business owners don’t understand their numbers. So they will end up not just drowning in data, but starved of information. To really build their business, they will need help interpreting this data and they’ll need more frequent information, displayed in an easy-to-understand way. That’s where Clarity comes in, linking directly with online accounting software and summarising all of the businesses’ financial data into an easy-to-understand dashboard so the business owner knows exactly what is going on and can make fact-based decisions on what to do next to achieve their desired goals. The financial data would be verified by the accountant completing the work or the business owner when they submit their figures to HM Revenue and Customs, or another tax authority. In addition to financial data, Clarity provides a one-stop shop for storing all business data, giving the business owner the power to show what they want, to who they want, while getting rewarded for sharing it. The data would include documents such as employee contracts, insurance policies and loan agreements. The added benefit is this data would be verified by a third party and stored on the blockchain allowing employees to electronically sign off their employment contract, the insurer to sign off the insurance contract and the bank to sign off the loan agreement. With all that data in one place, and being third party verified, it would be very attractive for lenders and institutional investors looking to talk to these companies. They can spot the businesses doing well financially and easily get hold of and verify the necessary information they require to make an investment decision.

Token & ICO

As a part of the Clarity journey we will be holding a Token Sale, creating 240 million Clarity tokens and selling 220 Million tokens to the public that can be used to purchase services from the Clarity platform. The Token Sale is expected to start at the end of August 2018. This Token Sale will have a tiered pricing structure, allowing us to reward those who purchase early into the project. This way it allows for a fair and honest sale.

The price structure for the Token Sale will work on the number of tokens sold. You can see how this will work below:

The Token Sale will end on 25 November 2018.

Detail Token :

·       Smart Contract Platform: Ethereum
·       Contract Type: ERC20
·       Token: CLRTY
·       Token Name: Clarity Token
·       Projected token cap: 83,333 ETH

Throughout the life of the platform we will be reducing the supply of Clarity tokens by burning tokens that are spent on our platform to purchase services from Clarity, this will continually reduce the amount of tokens that are in circulation. We will continue to burn each token used on the platform until we only have 20 million left in supply. The split of these tokens will be 10 million held by the public sphere and 10 million held within the Clarity platform to enable continued liquidity of the token.

For information Detail, visit link in Below :


By : Arlonk
My Bitcointalk Username : Jancuki
ETH Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d

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