The current development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and large data technology dramatically increases the adoption of this technology signaling an ever-increasing and exponential demand for storage capacity and for computing power processing vis-a-vis wider adoption of this technology. Big Data technologies such as the Hadoop framework (especially MongoDB, HDFS and Spark databases) require enormous storage capacity, either centrally or distributed, to process and manage Big Data files. For the most part, Big Data technology supports exponential growth of data at all type of organization, in web-based services and social networking and its implementation is essential to support the proper operation and processing of this vast amount of data.
Cloud data storage is based on sending files from local computers and servers to remote servers and storage facilities that are not obvious to users, but can be accessed and managed anytime. Thus, the reliability of cloud storage services and user privacy (ie protecting files from being accessed by anyone other than the owner) is very important to subscribe and implement any cloud services. The market for AI applications is expected to grow substantially in the coming years. presents some of the expected common usage and income from their commercialization in the near future. However, the widespread adoption of the AI process requires increasingly powerful computing facilities, due to the complexity of these operations. Therefore, companies invest in large amounts. Purchase a GPU unit and a dedicated CPU to carry out this computing scope, or purchase with the enormous cost processing power of one of the cloud processing providers (eg Amazon web services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and IBM).
Blockchain technology delivers a unique and fully secure solution for processing, storing, and distributing data and maintaining consistency and integrity that can be used for use cases such as destructive processing. Blockchain is just a data block that is paired together and chained using the previous hash and the current block to maintain consistency (Vijayan, 2017). Blockchains use the SHA256 algorithm to create hashes. The unique nature of the hash creates an intensive resource to solve as SHA256 hashes can only be broken today through brute force with computing power not yet available in the commercial hardware market. There are many ongoing projects in terms of providing secure storage through a decentralized network. A decentralized storage network is defined as a cloud platform where nodes either store some of the data or files or the entire data chain in a blockchain. IAGON is built not only to serve decentralized networks but also work with facilities Current data storage such as SQL and NoSQL databases. The approach taken with IAGON is unique at the point used IAGON is the machine learning algorithm to distribute the load on the entire network is decentralized to process and then encrypt / decrypt the data flowing through the system.
IAGON is a platform for increasing packing capacity and processing power of various compounds through decentralized blockchain networks. The IAGON utility makes it possible to store large data files and repositories along with small-scale files, and to perform complex computing processes, such as those in the need for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, with full security and encryption platforms that integrate blockchain, cryptography and AI technologies in a user-friendly way. The size of the cloud services market provides storage and processing capacity of computing The ability for enterprises and cooperate is estimated at 45 million USD per year and continues to increase. The market is dominated by four major players: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft and IBM, all utilizing the center and Unreliable hosting and computing facilities. Due to their oligopolistic dominance, the four cloud service providers set a high price level. These providers can also hamper their competition and large investments in data centers, servers, and storage facilities.
IAGON primarily aims to revolutionize the cloud market and web services by offering networks storage and decentralized processing. By multiplying the storage capacity is not used on each server and computer and their processing power, we can make it super computers and super data centers that can compete with today's cloud computing moguls. We aim to provide companies and individuals with storage and processing services at a fraction of the price market and at a better level of security by connecting to the data center, the computer businesses and individual users and utilize their free storage capacity, as well as CPU and GPU processor over time. By doing so, IAGON overcomes barriers to entry because of the high level of investment required to compete in this market.
Our tokens based economy is based on the computers, servers, and owners of the joining data centers with storage and processing of power grids, in return for sharing machine capabilities they will be given an IAGON token that can be traded back to fiat money, while a party anyone who wants to exploit their ability will buy IAGON tokens to distribute it to those who provide their services to the network. The storage mechanism will be based on blockchain encryption and send fragments of encrypted files to many storage facilities. Contributors for the network can publish their free skills and capacity and offer their services based on their experience, available resources and storage space and price quotes. Machine Advanced learning and AI algorithms will help in recommending prices to those parties engage in this business and classify it according to its price level and ensure service continuity and access to all files. The storage mechanism will be based on blockchain encryption and sending fragments of encrypted files to many storage facilities. Contributors to networks can publish their skills and free capacity and offer their services based on their experience, available resources and storage space and price quotes. Machine Advanced learning and AI algorithms will help in recommending pricing to parties involved in this venture and classifying it according to their price level and ensuring continuity of service and access to all files.
Token Sale
PRE-SALE DATES: begins on May 27th, 16:00 CEST and lasts for 30 days.
The pre-sale offers 20% of the tokens at a price of:
- 0.06 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 25 ETH;
- 0.07 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 10 ETH;
- 0.08 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 5 ETH;
- 0.09 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 0.1 ETH;
Individuals who participated in the Dragonchain pre-sale will have the right to buy according to their DSS score, which will be locked according to when the previous contribution was made and pegged ETH price. Otherwise, they can take advantage of the new prices.
Total amount of IAG tokens for pre-sale phase: 200 000 000 tokens
OFFICIAL TOKEN SALE: begins on July 7th and lasts for 30-60 days.
Purchases can be made via all ETH, Bank Transfer or debit/card (We also use Changelly as our API and this allows for us to convert other curriences to ETH on site, before purchase ) according to the following rates:
- 0.12 USD per IAG token for all 500 millions tokens
In addition to the pre-sale, the crowdsale offers 50% of the IAGON tokens to the public 500,000,000 tokens.
Total amount of IAG tokens for 2 phases : 700,000,000 tokens
Other 30% of the tokens (max. 300,000,000 tokens) will be dedicated to:
10% for IAGON’s team
10% for advisors and bounty hunters
10% for development
IAGON’s team work hard to support the reputation of IAGON as the leading platform for storage and processing services, enhancing its adoption among users that allocate their computational resources and among potential customers.
The development of the IAGON platform and miner’s client software will continue immediately after the completion of the token sale.
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By : Arlonk
Mybitcointalk Username : Jancuki
My ETH Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d
My ETH Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d
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