Thursday, February 15, 2018


This time I will share information about the project persona that I think has a good prospect for the future. Immediately we see the brief review as follows.

Each individual is the ​de facto​ owner of their data. Therefore, in order to have access to a service or device, they need to explicitly agree to share it. The party entrusted with this kind of data is supposed to take all the necessary actions in order to protect it. In the past year there have been numerous issues when large corporations collecting data about individuals, failed to handle them correctly. Often, this data ended up in the hands of hackers. For example, in 2017, Equifax, a large consumer credit reporting agency in the US was hacked, and over 143 million social security numbers were compromised.

Information About Persona

Persona is a great solution for identity management, in line with the latest data protection rules. The scope within the scope is to empower customers and give them control over their personal data as well as the means to gain access to their personal data. Using individual Personas, take some time to update their data and service providers to access the latest version of customer data. The main goals of Persona are:
  1. To ​ leverage on identity management services​ for the individual based on what the blockchain technology can offer
  2. T​o​ protect individuals personal details​. While it is obvious that individuals need to provide their details to various entities(Facebook, Google or any website they visit), they have no control over it after sharing. Persona puts individuals back in the driver seat
  3. To ​empower each person​ and to give them the power on what it shares and with whom when it comes about their identity and private details
  4. To ​allow entrusted third parties which with private details​ to enrich their services by offering trust as a service
  5. To ​prevent fake news​, by providing a decentralized identity management system, Persona will provide the trust level we all need when we rely on news; based on the public Persona profile of any content creator, we can track down news to their source
  6. To​ streamline onboarding process​ since an individual might be already checked by some entity enrolled in the system
What's interesting about blockchain technology is:
  • Replace Resellers: There is no reason for a credible side that both parties involved in a transaction can rely on and trust.
  • Decentralization: There is no single point of success today It is almost impossible to attack the network.
  • Eternity: recordings recorded in the blockroom, forever, can not be changed.

The blockchain feature, utilizing persona allows companies to offer services to third parties as well as KYCs benefit from this service. The Verification process has two levels: KYC Professionals and Professionals offering verification services will be shown on the Persona website. They will be rewarded for verification services by accepting PRS. The list of documents required for KYC is:

ID or passport or documents issued by the Government (original documents)
Copy ID or your picture 2
Bank statement or invoice that proves your residency

List of documents required to provide KYC:
  • ID or passport or documents issued by the government (original documents)
  • Copy or picture your ID
  • Invoices or invoices confirming where you live
  • After that, documents are stored in IPFS and signed by both sides of control and control, each time someone is checked. KYC specialists represent the processes that individuals experience when involving objects that require the identity verification process. This item once.
Architectural Technology (Device Design)

Persona will use Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) technology to handle user permissions, approval transactions and identity documents. We use our own block chain called "Persona Blockchain", which has the following characteristics:

Sales Token

Calendar / Schedule of token sales
Personal Sale: 15.12.2017-15.01.2018
Total sales I: 23.01.2018-30.01.2018
Total sales: 01.02.2018-08.02.2017
Total sales III: 09.02.2017-16.02.2018

Token distribution: 2018/03/30
Token Token (PRS)
The number of tokens will falter in 100 million PRS. PRS token price is $ 0.2. Total allocation for 100,000,000 PRS:
70,000,000 PRS given to TGE. 15.000.000 PRS given to the founding team. The token assigned to the team will be held for three years, divided into annual payments as follows:
10% in genes;
30% after 12 months
30% 24 months
30% after 36 months
12.000.000 PRS, start sign of grant is given
1,000,000 PRS assigned advisors. The characters assigned to the advisor are used for 6 months
for more detailed information please visit the link below:


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