PayPro is a decentralized bank made for dealing with a new eco-system where value is represented in new forms thanks to Smart Contracts. Thus, PayPro is a decentralized financial-marketplace where any dApp can post its services. We are also developing a Wallet where users will be able to store crypto-currencies and any ERC-20 token. After we have built PayPro, a user will be capable of storing ETH, BTC or GAS, for instance, and use the marketplace for investing in a crowdfunding
platform, for instance. Likewise, the shares received from that investment in the form of tokens, will be also stored at PayPro. As a result of that, all the crypto-assets and liabilities of an individual will be represented in PayPro.
We understand that the core functionality of PayPro has to be its capacity to store currency-value and spend it. Otherwise there is no point of storing value if it can not be used. For that reason, we have built the banking platform first.

PayPro will accept most forms of cryptocurrencies. Using Ethereum will allow users to store at least the 100 most used currencies by transaction volume per day. Of course, PayPro Token will be our main currency and will be easily exchanged with any other currency. So far, we have developed an iOS app that allows to store BTC, but this is just a proof of concept made for user experience purposes. You can download it on the AppStore here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/paypro/id12 25181484?l=ca&ls=1&mt=8
Market place

On the one hand, users will be capable of using their PayPro Tokens, also known as PYPs, for buying any service in the marketplace. These services will range from loans or credits to investments. Once the user will have spent its PYPs, a token will be received and stored on the application as a result of using a Smart Contract. For instance, if a user wants to invest in a crowdfunding platform, he can browse for crowdfunding platforms, select a campaign, pay in PYPs and store the token received in exchange on PayPro.

On the other hand, suppliers can submit their services to the marketplace. By using smart contracts, we can ensure that all transactions are made in a secure and efficient way. All suppliers will be rated by the users so the best suppliers can be recommended and the worst can be ruled out. By implementing this rating system we can avoid centralization and thus guarantee that services are client-focused and not the otherwise.
Decentralized Application

The mark will begin on November 22, 2017 at 21:00 GMT and will be completed by December 22 at 21:00 GMT or when the target value reaches 20,000 ETIS. Pre-sale evidence. The number of tokens will be sold one week before the release date. This period will be called the period of “presale”. Participating in the pre-sale sale, investors will enjoy special discounts, which may be additional tokens. Conditions for pre-sale: By invitation only; If you want to be invited, contact one of our team members. Adherence of at least 15 ETH for qualification The first 600 investors will receive 35% of the bonus.


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