Thursday, August 8, 2019

Let's do charity with Iskara

Help or helping others is everyone's dream, One of people's happiness is being able to achieve and realize their dreams fully as they imagined. Being able to achieve dreams and help others will give a sense of happiness from the person who helps it. The happiness that is felt in the heart that is obtained from helping others cannot be replaced by a feeling of another. Doing charity by helping or helping fellow human beings will have a positive influence on those who practice it, especially in resolving the social disparities of children out there who are in need.

Provision of more effective methods

Seeing the increase in the number of internet users which is quite significant every year, it seems to make it stronger in the face of the current digital era. Uniquely, along with the growth of internet users, social activities (charity) are starting to appear. Especially with the help of Peer to Peer Lending (P2P) technology, various methods of payment began to support. Which is evidenced by the increasing number of online startup services in the financial sector. similar to what Iskara did through the Lucem Team. Previously they saw the need to make a difference in solving social problems of children in need. For charity by utilizing new technology that is using digital technology (Cryptocurrency).

By building Foundations within a decentralized platform where every user can buy a project where they can choose who you want to help and how to use. The purpose of establishing this foundation is to make new plans that enable the use of cryptocurrencies and develop efficient ways and methods to work with those in need. The foundation's main activity will provide assistance in the purchase of medical equipment and medicines for medical centers and hospitals throughout the world.

Exchange your kindness for diamonds

By using the system for every project that enters cryptocurrency, 10% of the coins or bank tokens will be set aside first to be transferred to social programs. In that way the community can truly influence their future. ISKRA is a real opportunity for you because you will become a modern society with high social accountability.

By purchasing an Iskara token you have a unique opportunity to invest in the most reliable financial instruments. Because ISKRA gives you a unique opportunity to exchange it for diamonds at any time, based on Rapaport Price List and GIA certification. And that means you will always have pure prices without intermediaries: this will save between 10 to 50% of the cost of diamonds. As we know that the price of diamonds is very stable, even more disaster-resistant than the price of gold. ISKRA is not only an investment, but also a bargain. This means that small businesses and novice traders will be able to join the elite stock brokerage club. ISKRA not only helps children. It is also a profitable investment tool for securing anonymous capital.

Join Now : Chek Here

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Wallet Address : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d

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